The purpose of Ayahuasca Retreat is to inform people about the recent discoveries of ayahuasca and other entheogenic and psychotropic plants, to share ideas, and to inform our readers about what you need to know before attending an ayahuasca ceremony or retreat.

Ayahuasca, also known as jage, santo daime, uninixi pãecaapi, among other names, is a powerful medicinal concoction that many indigenous communities from the Amazonian basin use for healing purposes.

Most shamans, or Curanderos (how they are referred to in the jungle), make the ‘Ayahuasca’ brew from only two plants that grow in the Amazon Jungle: the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and the chakruna leaves (Psychotria Virdis). Some shamans also include other plants in their medicinal brews, but it is not as common. The Chakruna leaves contain the psychoactive compound DMT (N,N- dimethyltryptamine). The ayahuasca vine contains various alkaloids that work as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), which allow your body to activate the DMT when imbibed orally. 

These plants have been used for centuries within the indigenous communities and are still considered to be sacred plants. There are many other similar plants in the jungle, but Ayahuasca is considered to be the Mother of them all. It is the ‘gatekeeper’, or master teacher plant, that exposes us to the wisdom of the natural world and spirit realms. 

Even though ayahuasca is an ancient medicine, only in the last Century was it discovered by western explorers like Richard Spruce (1851) and geographer Villavicencio (1858). They were among a few who had access to those indiginous communities, but in recent years there has been a tremendous shift in exposure to this magical essence. More and more travellers have been seeking healing, and are drawn to the jungle where they can take part in ayahuasca ceremonies and retreats. We believe it is the actual spirit of ayahuasca who has been calling many souls for the sake of transformation, as this is the time when the world and especially the natural world needs it the most. 

Specifically in the last decade, Ayahuasca is also garnering a lot of attention from the medical and psychological communities, for it is becoming widely considered to be a helpful treatment for anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, trauma recovery, and many other psychological, physiological, and spiritual maladies.

Ayahausca is not a recreational drug- it is a means to search  deeper into aspects of your subconsciousness in order to overcome negative habits and behavioral and thought patterns that are inhibiting you from your greatest potential.

Organizations like MAPS and are doing fine research and are pioneers for the legalization of these medicines in the Western world. But until these medicines are legalized, it is recommended to come to a reputable center in South America to participate in the healing ceremonies.

Thank you

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