Psilocybin-assisted therapy transcends depression by enhancing emotional responsiveness.

There was a time where Psilocybin or most known as magic mushrooms were banned from society due to political and patriarchal issues where they denied their therapeutic use for psychological conditions and instead promoted the pharmaceutical methods, which wasn’t a solution that goes to the root of the problem. 

Hopefully, many studies have proved their effectiveness in healing the root of the most feared psychological condition, and now it is very close to being accepted as a medical treatment, and here you will know why.

Why psilocybin instead of pharmacological drugs?

We all know how pharmaceutical drugs work in the body. 

You ingest it to block certain symptom but, due to their intense chemicals, it activates new symptoms called side effects which makes you need another pill for those unpleasant sensations, and the circle goes on and on without actually embracing the root cause of the condition, this might let you feeling disempowered and hopeless thinking that you have something chronic when there is actually a cure. 

So let me tell you that this cure involves the embodiment of your emotions and re-connection with yourself and your surroundings, sounds easier than it is right? 

That’s why psilocybin has so many studies and advocates that support this magical substance because it turns off your egoic mind in charge of you negative and illusive thinking, which allows you to connect deeply with the emotions that were hidden in your unconscious mind and screaming to be seen and released that creates space for healing and growth. 

What is it and How does it work? 

Psilocybin is a component that can be found in more than 75 species of mushrooms, the most known is the Psilocybe Mexicana, aka the “Magic Mushroom,” which has been used as a medicine for healing and spiritual growth for centuries by the Mexican and North American tribes. 

The mushrooms work on a receptor in the brain called the serotonin 5HT2A receptor that is located in the parts of the brain where you do your thinking and your definition as a human being. 

Abnormalities in the structure and function of the 5HT2A receptors may underlie the presence of mental disorders like depression, and by stimulating those receptors with psychedelics, you change the way the brain processes things. 

In other words, a peak experience with mushrooms could lead to increases in connectivity in the brain which in turn could lead to better therapeutic outcomes.

The response to the therapeutic use of Mushrooms

Today many studies have shown that psilocybin-assisted therapy treats depression by enhancing emotional responsiveness, some patients have attributed the effectiveness of the treatment to “a greater willingness to accept all emotions”. 

The use of mushrooms don’t necessarily is a pleasant experience all the time, there is challenging on accessing emotional confrontation and returning to unresolved traumas but, only through embracing our darkness, we can have an emotional breakthrough and resolution, which means that the difficulty of a psychedelic therapy experience is, in fact, predictive of a better long-term result and emotional balance. 

Written by Vera Lucia Zamora